About the Teaching Prolog category

Teaching Prolog (PEG 2.0)

Discussions related to Teaching Prolog - Prolog Education Group 2.0 (a.k.a. PEG 2.0) within the Prolog community.

To contribute, go to the Teaching Prolog category and comment (hit reply) on an existing topic or open a new topic.

This initiative stems from the activities of The Year of Prolog, with a double objective:

  • introduce schoolchildren and young adults to logic, programming, sound reasoning, and AI;
  • map and provide Prolog education resources, that educators can use or adapt to teach Prolog at all levels.

This is a long-term initiative with the final aim of making Computational and Logical Thinking through Prolog and its successors a core subject in educational curricula and beyond, worldwide.

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